How to write a novel, get it published, and connect with readers

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Enter your first name and email, and I'll send my report on how to establish an author platform. If you're new to publishing, you need to think about having an author platform at the same time you're writing your book. I explain why in this 64-page pdf.

    Here's what you'll learn:
      • why finding readers should be top-of-mind, even when you're still writing;
      • how the Big 5 New York publishers create buzz for their authors;
      • why getting a book up on Amazon doesn't guarantee success;
      • how graphics, email, and organizational tools can make marketing your book less of a chore;
      • why knowing how and where to find avid readers will give you a leg up when it comes time to launch your book;
      • and much, much more.

About The Author

One woman's journey with the written word Learn More.

The Big Book of Small Presses and Independent Publishers: Small Presses, book contests, university presses, and independent publishers for unagented authors

Have you tried and failed to find a literary agent? Grown tired of pitch sessions and query letters? The Big Book of Small Presses and Independent Publishers lists over 350 small presses, book contests, university presses, and independent publishers that take “unagented” submissions. This book is for you if you have: finished writing your book; given […]

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three copies of hole in my heart next to each other

Ten Questions for Lorraine Dusky

by Lorraine Dusky in For Memoir Writers, Ten Questions

HOLE IN MY HEART, a memoir about adoption by Lorraine Dusky, tells her personal story and reveals how the author gradually became a leader in adoption reform.

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book cover showing a porch and two rocking chairs

Reversion of Rights

by Marylee MacDonald in For Writers Ready to Publish, For Writers Who Need Readers

If you’re working with a publisher to bring your book into the world, make sure your contract has a reversion-of-rights clause. Such a clause will allow you to take back your creative work.

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author speaking to podcaster

How Writers Find Readers-Part 2

by Marylee MacDonald in Book promotion, For Beginning Writers

A writer with one book out needs to focus to spreading the word in the most efficient way possible. Podcasts, TedX talks, and speaking gigs are the way to go.

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