5-Star Review from the Redheaded Book Lover Blog

by Marylee MacDonald in For Writers Who Need Readers

What do writers value most? Connecting with readers. I’m thrilled about this review from the Redheaded Book Lover’s Blog because it sounds like she really “got” what these stories are all about. Thanks, Aimee Ann for reading my book and giving me such positive feedback. With her permission, I’m re-blogging her review. Also, for indie authors looking for bloggers willing to review their books, Aimee Ann’s blog, www.redheadedbookloversblog.com, is a terrific resource to keep in mind when your next book’s about to come out.

Bonds of Love & Blood, Marylee MacDonald


Twelve stories of wayward travelers. Twelve stamps on the passport of the soul.

Walter struggles to see past his disfigurement, but a trip to Thailand and a mysterious woman may challenge his quest for perfection. Married to a workaholic, Leslie is accustomed to solitude until her overbearing Indian mother-in-law turns her kitchen into a verbal battlefield. A woman looks for the perfect souvenir in the Turkish Bazaar and instead finds a passionate love affair. From ice storms in Maine to swimming pools in Vera Cruz, errant souls must grapple with past baggage to forge profound connections and a new sense of direction.

Bonds of Love & Blood is a stunning collection of twelve stories that all are unique but focus on different characters and their very different lives from places all around the world. The collection of short stories are fantastic, and from the first one I was hooked; I was hooked because the readability of the author’s words is flawless, Marylee MacDonald managed to captivate me with her stunning literature and compel me to read until the very end. MacDonald is an author whose words have gripped, charmed, and thrilled me thanks to her outstanding talent at writing as well as her craft for writing memorable stories. The story of Bonds of Love & Blood is a phenomenal one that all readers will love…. Especially those that adore contemporary fiction that is relatable as well as inspirational!

Bonds of Love & Blood is a collection of twelve stories that examine the divide between men and women, and western and eastern cultures. The stories laced throughout the book are endearing and all very unique and original. One story follows a man called Walter, Walter struggles to look past his disfigurement but when he travels to Thailand, he meets a woman who will change his outlook on life as well as himself. The reader will also be introduced to a woman who while out shopping ends up having a passionate love affair. These are just two of the twelve stories featured in the anthology and let me tell you now book lovers that they are all exceptional! Never before have I loved every single story in an anthology, so I am incredibly impressed, to say the least by MacDonald’s astounding literature.

The stories laced throughout Bonds of Love & Blood are not only entertaining but also moving because all of them deal with poignant themes that will move, motivate and inspire readers. As I read the stories, I found that some of them resonated with me and certain experiences within my life. That is the beauty of Bonds of Love & Blood because all readers, no matter where you are from in the world will be able to relate to the stories in some way and that is an exquisite quality about this book.

Marylee MacDonald is an astounding author who is an expert storyteller who knows how to keep her readers entertained with her many different, emotive stories. A quality I love about MacDonald’s literature is her ability to develop phenomenal characters and make them realistic as well as believable. Each character the reader comes across in the novel will spark interest within a reader, whether it be bad or good interest; this is because each character is well developed and different from the last, some readers may like one character, and some may dislike one. That is the beauty of literature and the incredible author’s literature.

Overall Bonds of Love & Blood is a stellar read that will move, charm and delight its readers with its many compelling stories that will captivate you from start to finish. That is why I have no choice but to award Bonds of Love & Blood a magnificent five stars! Please do have a read of the preview below book lovers as you will not regret it, be sure to keep an eye out for my spotlight of Marylee MacDonald too which I am really excited to be writing!

Thank you so much for reading book lovers! I appreciate it so much, I love discussing wonderful books with all of you so please comment below and let me know your thoughts on Bonds of Love & Blood. Do you see yourself reading this book? Do you love the genre? Please let me know your brilliant thoughts below and I will be sure to comment back. Thank you so much again for reading!

Goodbye for now book lovers,

P.S. Here is a preview of the book for all of you lovely readers to enjoy! Please have a read of the preview and if you find that you have loved what you have read then all you need to do is click the Buy on Amazon button and it will take you straight to the book on Amazon U.S.! If you are in the U.K. then below I have attached a link to the book for Amazon U.K..

Below I have attached some links about the author and this wonderful book so if you would like to learn more about the author and the book then please have a browse. Thank you so much again for reading book lovers, I can’t wait to read your thoughts on this book!

Amazon U.S. – Amazon U.K. – Goodreads

Marylee MacDonald: LinkedIn – BookLaunch – Author’s Guild – Blog – Website – Book Trailer – Pinterest – Facebook – Twitter 

Thank you so much again for reading!


  • Marylee MacDonald

    Marylee MacDonald is the author of MONTPELIER TOMORROW, BONDS OF LOVE & BLOOD, BODY LANGUAGE, and THE BIG BOOK OF SMALL PRESSES AND INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS. Her books and stories have won the Barry Hannah Prize, the Jeanne M. Leiby Memorial Chapbook Award, a Readers' Favorites Gold Medal for Drama, the American Literary Review Fiction Prize, a Wishing Shelf Book Award, and many others. She holds an M.A. in Creative Writing from San Francisco State, and when not reading or writing books, she loves to walk on the beach and explore National Parks.

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