Ten Questions for Jenny Wheeler

by Marylee MacDonald in Ten Questions

In this column I’m asking subscribers to share their knowledge about writing, publishing, and marketing their books. I’m calling it “Ten Questions.” Thank you, Jenny Wheeler, for allowing us to learn about how a late-in-life writer from New Zealand found inspiration and excitement in the gold fields of California! – Marylee MacDonald Author Tip: “Think […]

The Challenges of Writing Historical Fiction

Writing historical fiction is tough. You have to do the research on the historical facts, and then you have to “make it real.” (A few months ago I wrote a blog post about some of the craft challenges in writing historical fiction. You can read it here.) But, even after succeeding in writing a readable […]

Historical Fiction’s Biggest Pitfalls

by Marylee MacDonald in For Writers Doing Revisions

If you’re writing historical fiction, don’t fall into the info-dumping trap. You love all those bits and pieces of info you’ve discovered, but your reader will have a hard time keeping an eye on the story if you can’t restrain yourself. Limit yourself to one or two protagonists–one, preferably. Let that person experience life as […]