Excerpt of Not My White Savior, by Julayne Lee

by Marylee MacDonald in For Readers

Christina Lynch: The TNB Self-Interview

by Marylee MacDonald in For Readers

Your novel The Italian Party is about someone trying to manipulate an election using some very sneaky methods. Are you about to be subpoenaed? I don’t think so, but it’s a pretty weird coincidence. When I started writing the novel in the summer of 2013, I came across a […] Click here to view full […]

Excerpt of The Italian Party, by Christina Lynch

by Marylee MacDonald in For Readers

2. Michael and Scottie stood out from the moment they strolled down the gangplank of the sleek ocean liner that carried them and their possessions to Italy. They seemed to have stepped right out of an advertisement for Betty Crocker, Wonder Bread or capitalism itself. He was twenty-four, handsome, […] Click here to view full […]

5-Star Review from the Redheaded Book Lover Blog

by Marylee MacDonald in For Writers Who Need Readers

What do writers value most? Connecting with readers. I’m thrilled about this review from the Redheaded Book Lover’s Blog because it sounds like she really “got” what these stories are all about. Thanks, Aimee Ann for reading my book and giving me such positive feedback. With her permission, I’m re-blogging her review. Also, for indie […]

Getting Your Book Into Bookstores

by Marylee MacDonald in Book promotion

What is the biggest frustration authors face? Getting into bookstores. Authors and independent publishers who produce print books through Amazon’s Createspace confront a nearly insurmountable hurdle. Even though the book has a great cover, bookstores still know the book has been produced by their sworn enemy–Amazon! How can they tell? Amazon places a bar code […]

Swedish Writer MM Justine Shares How She Turned Her Dream of Becoming a Writer into 3 Published Books

by Marylee MacDonald in For Beginning Writers

Since its inception, the focus of this blog has been to encourage writers to turn their dream of becoming a writer into a reality. This week I’m featuring an interview with Swedish author, MM Justine. The points she makes about taking online classes, reading to understand what other writers were doing, and benefiting from reader […]

Psychic Wounds Drive Characters to Make Misjudgments and That’s Good for the Plot

by Marylee MacDonald in Characters, For Writers Doing Revisions

Characters with psychic wounds engage our sympathies. In this post I’m going to talk about the benefits of loading your characters down with problems, including attitudes toward life caused by childhood psychic wounds. My purpose is not to play amateur psychologist. Save that for the self-help books. Instead, I’m going to show how psychic wounds […]

Talk Your Book: I’ll Show You How

by Marylee MacDonald in Apps & Software

Would it be easier to “talk your book” or to slave away for years trying to write it? A few months back my friend Gail Howard Gibson invited me to attend her book group. Although I was there to discuss my short story collection, Bond’s of Love & Blood, one thing led to another, and […]

Book Promotion on a Budget

by Marylee MacDonald in Book promotion

Book promotion is the biggest challenge all writers face. I face it. If you’ve published a book, you face it, too. Every writer I know confronts the stunning reality that fewer and fewer people are reading books, even though we writers are pouring our souls onto the page. Prior to publication, most of us have […]

Should You Hire a Developmental Editor or a Copy Editor?

by Marylee MacDonald in For Writers Doing Revisions

You’ve just finished your manuscript, the one you’ve been working on diligently for what feels like forever. You know that before you submit it, you should get it looked at by an editor, but whom do you pick? Are they all the same? The first thing you need to do is to figure out what […]

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